Adrian Jäggi

Astrol team

Software Engineer

  • Adrian Jäggi

    Software Engineer

  • Our Software Engineer Adrian Jaeggi plays a pivotal role in our team, bringing expertise and innovation to application software and controller development. With a strong background in software engineering, Adrian creates robust and efficient software solutions that meet the unique needs of our products and projects

    One of Adrian’s key responsibilities is overseeing the entire lifecycle of application software development, from conceptualization and design to implementation and testing.

    In addition to his skills in application software, Adrian plays an important role in the development and refinement of controllers for various systems. His ability to design and implement efficient control algorithms contributes significantly to the seamless operation of our large-scale systems. Adrian’s commitment to staying up-to-date of emerging technologies and industry trends, combined with his proactive approach to problem-solving makes him a valuable addition to our team.

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