Susanne Meier

Astrol team

Backoffice Manager

  • Susanne Meier

    Backoffice Manager

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  • Susanne Meier is the Backoffice Manager at Astrol, where she oversees administrative tasks, primarily focusing on purchasing, sales, order processing, invoicing, and HR management. As the newest addition to the team, having joined just three weeks ago, Susanne brings some fresh perspective to the company. She has a background in commercial and administration management and is an expert in providing software application training. Susanne enjoys her role at Astrol because she likes the fact that all company-related figures cross her table.

    In her private life, Susanne loves traveling, with a particular fondness for Zandvoort. She is passionate about Australia and the beach. She also enjoys biking and surfing. Besides, she has an interest in photography.

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